GP Worship Audition
Thank you for your interest in GP Worship. If you play any of the instruments listed below, we’d like to invite you to audition and see if you’d be a good fit.
Fill out the form below to sign up.
Once we have enough applicants, you will be contacted with the scheduled audition date.
Based on your instrument, you will be sent a download link with 2-3 songs to learn. You will have a few weeks in advance to prepare before the audition.
At the audition, you will perform the songs along with our band live with backing tracks, using in-ear monitors to hear yourself. The arrangement will be exactly like the recording you will practice to.
After we play through the songs, we will have a brief time to talk about your musical background and spiritual journey.
You will be contacted within a week of your audition to discuss next steps.
Can play in time with a metronome.
Can play with controlled dynamics.
Can accurately interpret and/or replicate the drum parts and patterns of the song.
Plays the right notes in tune and in time.
Able to read a chord chart.
Owns a bass guitar or has access to one.
Plays basic chords in tune and in time.
Can read a chord chart.
Owns an electric guitar or has access to one.
Has an understanding of tone is able to operate and switch on and off basic guitar effects (overdrive, delay, reverb) during the song as needed.
Can strum basic chords in tune and in time. Capos are fine.
Can read a chord chart.
Owns an acoustic guitar or has access to one.
Can play basic block chords in time, both on pads and piano.
Can read a chord chart.
Can operate volume controls and change sounds mid song.
Can sing on pitch with decent tone and in time.
Can replicate harmonies.
This section is for you to see what is expected of a member of GP Worship. Being on the platform is a highly visible position, and it’s one we take seriously. We are the ones leading people to see and experience the greatness and goodness of God. We model what a life with Jesus looks like (see number 10 for more details).
Scheduling will be done using Planning Center Online. Members use this free online tool to view their schedule and the resources to practice for the upcoming weekend. It is expected you accept or decline scheduling requests promptly once they are sent out.
The amount someone is scheduled is based on availability and what is needed for a Sunday.
Rehearsals are Wednesday night from 6:30pm-8:30pm. If you are scheduled for a weekend service, you also commit to being at rehearsal the Wednesday before.
The band plays both the 9am and 11am services on Sunday. Sound check begins promptly at 7:30am. Arrive early enough to give yourself time to be set up and ready to go. The day ends around 12:30pm.
It is preferred you commit the music to memory so you are freed up to worship on stage without the use of chord charts or a music stand.
We use in-ear monitors to hear ourselves. If you do not own a pair, ones will be provided for you.
You must have the ability to play along with a “click” track (metronome) and with backing tracks.
There is a straight forward dress code that we follow that is outlined in the GP Worship Handbook. This is in place so we do not become a distraction to those we’re leading.
We want you to get out of the green room and sit in the message during one of the morning services. We also like to be out in the lobby between services to connect with our community.
We want you to be committed to be committed to healthy relationships and to the unity of the church. We want to lead lives that honor God as outlined in the GP Worship Band Handbook. You represent Jesus and GracePoint every where you go.