The holiday magic is in the air, Starbucks cups are red again, and mom is dusting off the Visa card. There are presents to buy and parking spots to find. But, Christmas is meant to be about more than shopping and stress. The GracePoint Christmas Service is the perfect opportunity to bring joy and excitement to the season. Get ready for some incredible apple cider and some delicious hot chocolate. The music will rock, and the message will inspire. Arrive in time to get a parking spot and grab a seat. Services will begin exactly on the hour. We'd love for you to be our guest! You won't regret coming!
You can pick up tickets every Sunday in the lobby! They are always 100% free, but they’re to help us maintain proper space in the auditorium. If you are unable to pick them up on a Sunday message to request tickets! We cannot wait to celebrate with you!
Ticket Information
Our Christmas Eve service times will be 8 am, 10am, and 12pm and tickets will be required to guarantee that you will be able to get into the auditorium early to get a seat.
Because the tickets are limited, we are asking that when you pick them up, you only take a ticket for those who will definitely be attending the service.
Come Christmas Eve, we are also asking that anyone with a ticket be ready to enter the auditorium 20 minutes before service. At 5 minutes til the hour, we will open the doors to everyone, and tickets will no longer guarantee a seat. So if you have a ticket, you’ll want to get there early so that you can be sure to get a seat.