Prayer team resources

We are so thankful you are willing to love people and pray for people! We have an amazing opportunity to speak life into each and every person that comes to us. The topics below are some of the most popular things that we hear from people. Many of the things listed below are links to Life Church and Pastor Craig Groeschel. Their church has been extremely helpful compiling this list.

Each PDF is by no means a perfected answer for responding to what people are going through. They are simply suggested responses so that you have an idea of what you might say when you pray. These can also be used as follow-up responses in later conversations with people if they want us to contact them during the week.

​Feel free to use them as a resource for Sundays in your conversations. We will keep adding to the list below in the coming weeks and months. Each PDF contains suggested Bible verses and ideas for what to pray over people. It also has suggestions of Bible app devotionals, blog posts, and songs that relate to each topic. We hope you’ll use it to the max!